LED Area Flood Lights by LUMIMAX® -
For Machine Vision applications

High Power LED Flood Lights are used wherever even wide object fields need to be illuminated with high light output from a greater distance.

The integrated lens exchange option of the LQ and LQHP series allows the light source to be individually adjusted to different object sizes and working distances. Calculate the optimal illumination area of the LED Area Flood Light for your application easily and simply with the help of our practical tool.

Compact High Performance Flood Lights

Compact High Performance Flood Lights
  • From 40 x 40 mm to 80 x 80 mm
  • Light output up to 5 million lux
  • Flexible adjustment through
    versatile accessories
Principle – LQHP Area Flood Light
  • Reflected light (partial bright field)
  • Area Flood Lights are used to direct light onto the test object at a slight angle
  • Interchangeable Lens Arrays with diverse beam angles allow for the illumination of large test areas as well as intense light at extended distances (2 m and more)
  • Area of application: assembly, type and position detection, presence verification and completeness monitoring, OCR/OCV

Flexible Flood Lights for extreme light performance

Flexible Flood Lights for extreme light performance
  • From 40 x 40 mm to 80 x 80 mm
  • Cooling element for double
    brightness increase
  • Flexible adjustment through
    versatile accessories
Principle – LQXP Area Flood Light
  • Reflected light (partial bright field)
  • Area Flood Lights are used to direct light onto the test object at a slight angle
  • Interchangeable Lens Arrays with diverse beam angles allow for the illumination of large test areas as well as intense light at extended distances (2 m and more)
  • Area of application: assembly, type and position detection, presence verification and completeness monitoring, OCR/OCV

High Power Flood Lights for large working distances

High Power Flood Lights for large working distances
  • Light area 65 x 65 mm
  • Fluorescence applications in
    UV365 nm and UV395 nm
  • Flexible adjustment through
    versatile accessories
Principle – Area Flood Light
  • Reflected light (partial bright field)
  • Area Flood Lights are used to direct light onto the test object at a slight angle
  • Interchangeable Lens Kits with diverse beam angles allow for the illumination of large test areas as well as intense light at extended distances (2 m and more)
  • Area of application: assembly, type and position detection, presence verification and completeness monitoring, fluorescence applications, OCR/OCV

Product configurator

Your size selection
By selecting the following product properties you can configure your desired lighting.
Light area (mm)
Light colour
Light direction*
Operation mode
continuous / switch
Flash time
100 µs
220 µs
750 µs
Please first make your product selection in the upper overview!
* Explanations
IR - Infrarot 850nm | 870nm
strobe mode - more information
Light direction - Lens exchange option