Imprint of iiM AG

Operator of the site:

iiM AG measurement + engineering 
Neuer Friedberg 5 
98527 Suhl 

Phone: +49 3681 455 19-0
Fax: +49 3681 455 19-11
E-Mail: info(.a-t.)
Board of directors: Peter Anacker, Heiko Freund, Axel Müller
Supervisory board: Sven Fleischmann, Dr. Günter Roth, Daniel Rother, Sven Anacker
Register court: Amtsgericht Jena
Sales tax nr: 171/100/03684
Sales tax ID: DE813288450

This project was co-finance from the European Union EFRE) and from free state of Thuringia (TMWTA).

Design and realization:

iiM AG measurement + engineering


With the judgment from 12. May 1998 the county court Hamburg had decided, that by mounting of links we have to answer for the content of the linking site. This only can avert, when we us explicit distance from these contents. So we declare: Our site contains links to third Websites. We have no influence whatsoever on the information on these Websites and accept no guaranty for its correctness. The content of such third sites is the responsibility of the respective owners/providers. We distance us from content of all linking sites on this homepage. This declaration is valid for all links on this site.

Legal advice for lawyer:

In the fall of legal competition law or other problems we want to beg you to contact us in the run up. The debite note of a legal representative dissuasion without an antecedent contact with the management will be disapproved as baseless in terms of a duty to advert. We want to watch abuse of right dissuasions penal and by civil law.
