Do you need general information or do you have questions, e.g. about a current order? Our team is pleased to help you with your requests:
Franz Reumschüssel
Administration / Reception
+49 (3681) 45519-0 franz.reumschuessel(.a-t.)
Kathleen Weiß
Head of Financial Accounting
+49 (3681) 45519-10 kathleen.weiss(.a-t.)
Melissa Unger
Purchasing / Procurement
+49 (3681) 45519-17 melissa.unger(.a-t.)
Thomas Schmidt
+49 (3681) 45519-13
Romina Leutbecher
HR Manager
+49 (3681) 45519-65 romina.leutbecher(.a-t.)
Anne Kehl
Marketing / Public Relations
+49 (3681) 45519-14 anne.kehl(.a-t.)
Sascha Feddrich
Marketing / Public Realtions
+49 (3681) 45519-19 sascha.feddrich(.a-t.)
Annika Keller
+49 (3681) 45519-54 annika.keller(.a-t.)
The contact persons of our LUMIMAX® team can be found here.
The contact persons of our VisioCablePro® team can be found here.