Our LUMIMAX® knowledge on the topic "lighting"


The following knowledge collection provides you with background information about LED lighting technology, helps you choose the right lighting and shows the different application areas of our LUMIMAX® LED Lighting.

Topic 1 | Lighting angle: Influence of reflected light and backlight on the camera view


A camera can only “see” what is made visible to its sensor by light. For this reason, the first and perhaps most important step is the selection of a suitable lighting geometry and the optimal angle at which to position the test object. Indeed, the appearance of an identical test object in the camera image can be drastically altered by the relative arrangement of camera, test object and lighting.

In the first topic block of the LUMIMAX® knowledge base, you will learn everything about the different lighting angles and types and their influence on your image processing solution.


  More about "lighting angle" 

Topic 2 | Wave lengths and illumination colours: How Machine Vision benefits from this


Apart from the light geometry and the lighting angle, selecting the right lighting is also crucially dependent on the light’s wavelength. However, this point is often neglected. Yet it is precisely this factor that can ultimately be decisive for your application.

To show how application solutions can be optimized with a few little tricks and the right light colour, this section of the LUMIMAX® knowledge base deals with the topic of wavelengths.


  More about "Illumination colours and wave lengths" 

Topic 3 | Optical filter: Use in industrial image processing


The first two topics have introduced the basic principles for selecting an optimal lighting solution. Results can be further improved by the use of optical filters.

We show you in this chapter, which optical filter there are and how you can use them to increase the contrast in an image, to suppress extraneous light, to minimise distractions such as reflections/specular reflections and to separate colours.

Topic 4 | Operating modes of lights for Machine Vision


As well as selecting the optimal type of lighting, wavelength and filter, the different operating modes can have a fundamental influence on solutions for an image processing task.

In this fourth topic, we therefore want to concentrate on talking about the three fundamental modes used in Machine Vision: continuous, switch operation and strobe operation. The terms are defined, differences are presented, and the advantages and disadvantages as well as the areas of application are described in more detail.

Topic 5 | Application areas for industrial image processing


Industrial image processing is used in a wide variety of industrial areas and therefore has numerous areas of application. We will introduce you to some of the most common application tasks and their challenges and show you the right lighting solutions.

Lighting lexicon for Machine Vision


Some technical terms used in our knowledge base can be found explained in more detail in our small dictionary. To access the dictionary, please simply click on the word highlighted in orange in the continuous text or access the complete dictionary via the following link:


  To the LUMIMAX lighting lexicon 


All topics are also available for you to download as a structured PDF document:
