Overview - Software byVisioCablePro®
The software of VisioCablePro® helps you evaluate obtained test results from cable measuring devices securely. Moreover test plans can be developed, orders administrated and the recieved test results can be archived with corresponding additional information into the data bases.
Highly complex standard-compliant image processing
The CAQ-System customized for cable producer requirements
Software by VisioCablePro®
Our standardly included software VELOX assists measuring and evaluating cross sectional features from cables together with one of our various cable measuring devices. The software is your guarantee for secure quality testing of geometrical attributes of cables, isolated conductors and hosepipes
With the CAQ-system ProCable 3, test plans can be developed, orders administrated and the received test results can be archived with corresponding additional information into the database. ProCable 3 generates a list of results from the measurements according to the applied test plans. Afterwards, the test results are filed well structured and accurately